Westside Church of Christ
Loving God, Loving Others

weeklyblog (post here)

Peak of the Week

With shouts of great joy and songs of gratitude we closed out our series on the Lord’s Prayer with the doxology, “for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, amen.” Our service, which consisted of more songs than usual, was split into the three doxological (hey, that’s actually a word!) themes. We moved through the doxology appeal to 1). remember what God has done and 2). Go! Doxology is both an invitation to remember and a commission for action. We looked at God’s kingdom and were reminded that Jesus came to set up an earthly kingdom with real, physical actions. We then looked at God’s power, which, unlike our cell phones and power tools, never runs out of power! And then we looked at the glory of God most clearly seen in God’s giving of self on the cross. It was a full service!

Next week we will join Jesus as he walks into Jerusalem and join him in the garden as he prays sincerely before his Father in heaven again…it’s the “other” Lord’s prayer, once could say! We will also probe the powerful words of Psalm 31:9-16 which get close to the heart of lamenting trust we see Jesus display in the garden. We will also watch some of our youth present the meaning of Palm Sunday to us and introduce Jesus’ entrance into the final days of his life before his death.

Jasper presented a thoughtful adult class on prayer. We will continue next Sunday with Aaron teaching the class, “Prayer as Theological Transformation.” As always come ready to engage in thoughtful dialogue with the class and walk away with a better understanding of prayer’s mysterious and wonderful power. 

Bonnie Miller
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