On Earth As It Is In Heaven
Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
May your will be done in our homes as it is in heaven. May our homes be places of peace and wholeness.
May those who enter our homes – family, friends, or strangers – sense your Spirit at work, always bringing heaven’s peace into our lives.
God grant us heavenly homes now in which all feel welcomed and embraced.
Be in our relationships with spouses, parents, children, siblings, aunts, and uncles and on and on.
May we love one another as you love us, and bring heaven’s wholeness into our homes – on earth as it is in heaven.
May your will be done in our neighborhoods as it is in heaven. May our streets and stores practice the justice and equality of heaven.
May racism and hate be uprooted and tossed out, replaced by love and acceptance. May we, your followers, bring the light of heaven into the darkest homes around us.
Lead us to the places you want us to go, the people you want us to love, and the heaven you want us to form.
May we love our neighbors and neighborhoods as you love us, and bring heaven’s wholeness into our neighborhoods – on earth as it is in heaven.
May your will be done in our church as it is in heaven. May these walls offer a place of safety and security for those who need heaven’s love.
May the songs that we sing and the service we perform be pleasing to heaven’s reality and may heaven come close.
May this congregation practice the radical grace and love of heaven’s glory and may we all feel the love of your son flowing through us.
May we love our brothers and sisters in Christ as you love us, and bring heaven’s wholeness into our church – on earth as it is in heaven.
May your will be done in our world as it is in heaven. In a world torn apart by war, hate, racism, and walls may heaven break through.
God, send agents of heaven into the hell of gangs, terror, and darkness. May we serve as your agents of heaven.
Point us in the right direction and teach us to play the songs of heaven so that the world can know your justice, love, and peace.
Heal this broken place, Father, and bring your kingdom into the messes we have created in our kingdoms.
May we love our world as you love us, and bring heaven’s wholeness into our world – on earth as it is in heaven.
-- Aaron Metcalf